If you are a fellow homemaker (aka: wife, mother, cook, maid, tutor, chauffeur, nurse, referee, therapist, playmate, disciplinarian, gardener, etc.) you deserve not only a huge "Thank you!" and a standing ovation, but an ENORMOUS RAISE! Unfortunately, we are employed in the ultimate volunteer position. We are often under-valued and not given the credit we are due. Is anyone else ever a little frustrated when you are asked, "So, when insert child's name is in school are you going to get a job?" As if what we do isn't the equivalent of two full-time jobs! We work hard and more than earn our keep, thank you very much!
Do you ever have a period of time when you find yourself out of commission due to illness, injury or you have the audacity to go out of town and you look around and wonder who set off the bomb? I have been down for the count the last couple of days due to a sore back and I have been at work for HOURS today trying to get my house back in order. I think I am on my fifth load of laundry, the dishwasher needs to be unloaded again, I have scrubbed every kitchen surface, put away unsold garage sale items and I still feel like I am in a war zone! The floors need to be vacuumed and mopped, the furniture needs to be dusted, the children need to be bathed, the lawn needs to be mowed, bathrooms need to be cleaned and supper needs to be cooked.
Does anyone else wonder how your family could possibly survive, let alone function smoothly, without you? Now, I am fortunately married to TheMostAwesomeHusbandInTheWorld who will often lend me a helping hand. My hubby typically works long 10 hour days and while he can keep himself and the kids alive and fed, he is no homemaker. I have come to accept the fact that he has tunnel vision and he honestly does not see the pot with the baked on gravy that has been sitting next to the sink for the past three days. Getting out the broom to take care of the cobwebs in the corners is never going to be on his radar.
This is my domain. It is my job to make our home the quiet, comfortable place for my children and husband to find their peace. This is the vocation I have chosen and I feel I am called to. I love that I am able to make my husband's day easier and happier because he doesn't have to come home to chaos and drama. I am proud to be a homemaker, and I love that term! I am the one who makes this house our home.
So to all the other homemakers out there (and you working moms can be one too, and most of you probably are), YOU ROCK!!! And to my mother, my ultimate roll model and mentor, a very special thank you for all you ever did and all you still do to support me in all of my efforts. You are one of the biggest reasons I am who I am today. I love you, Mom!
I love this post! And I really needed to hear this today.
ReplyDeleteSending you some love, Anita, because you DO rock! <3