I opened the oven door just in time to witness the foil I had lining the bottom of the oven burst into flame! Aaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhh! FIRE! Cue that moment of panic when your heart jumps up in the back of your throat. I go to the sink and start soaking towels to throw into the oven as the hubby grabs a pair of tongs to remove the flaming foil. As he takes the foil to the sink, I toss the towels into the inferno because fortunately I remembered in my panic that you smother a grease fire:-)
Crisis averted. Fire out, hands shaking, saying a little prayer of thanks. What would have happened if I hadn't been there right when the fire started? What if I had waited another minute before investigating? I think someone was watching over my kitchen today.
I look at TheMostAwesomeHusbandInTheWorld and he says to me, "Oh yeah. I forgot that when I reheated those ribs the other night they kind of made a mess." Hmmmm. I was wondering why pie filling (which is what I remember recently boiling over) would have caught fire...now things are making more sense.
Well, I suppose the oven was due for a thorough scrubbing. Just hasn't planned on putting it on today's to-do list. Thanks for providing the extra motivation, Dear:-) Love you to the moon and back!
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