Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Laundry Day is Any Day That Ends in Y

Laundry is a never-ending chore at my house.  I have a chair in my living room that I only see about once every six weeks because it is where I dump the clean clothes that need to be folded.  By the time I get to the bottom of the stack, I have another load coming out of the dryer or off the clothesline that immediately buries the chair I was finally able to successfully unearth.  It is a vicious cycle that is never-ending.

I think there is a conspiracy in my household.  There is no way four people can generate this much dirty laundry on a regular basis.  My husband and my children are conspiring against me to keep me bogged down under a mountain of laundry...the reason is as of yet undetermined but I am convinced it is sinister and malicious.

They must put on layers of clean clothes and run through the pasture, stopping to roll in the mud and skid through the grass.  I've got it!  They have hired body doubles for the sole purpose of generating more and more laundry!  The depth and reach of this wicked plot is so much greater than I could have guessed!  What do they have to gain?  How do I begin to fight back?

I will not allow this mountain of laundry to conquer me like the Blob that consumed the town in that terrible old movie.  It will not swallow me!  I will fight back!  As it threatens to pour onto the floor, I will fold like there is no tomorrow!  I will vanquish it with hangers and an iron!  I will not allow it to beat me, although I fear it has already claimed my living room chair.  Such a shame.  I really liked that chair.

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