Sunday, June 9, 2013

Man, I Wish I Liked Coffee!

Do you ever wake up in the morning and suspect that there truly is a Sandman?  Some disturbed, mean little guy with a shovel, packing your eyelids with sand so that when your alarm goes off at 5:00 in the morning (today it took me nine minutes to hear it), you practically have to peel your lids off your eyeballs?  That was my morning.

This week has been super busy and my early morning was just the topper on the heavily-frosted cake.  My body already felt like it had been hit by a Mack truck and now my eyes just itch and ache.  I got up and looked in the mirror and, WHOA!  Fright Night!  It has been a while since my eyes looked THAT bloodshot.  If I could capture this moment, it would make a great Halloween costume because it has great potential to frighten young children.

Today I had to be at church early so I could practice with the worship band.  So not only do I need to get myself up, but I suppose since I have to be up in front of the whole church, there should be some attempt made to be cute and presentable.  I got myself showered and dressed and TheMostAwesomeHusbandInTheWorld, who had to work today, helped get the kiddos up and dressed so we could be out the door by 6:20.  

About halfway through the 35 minute drive, I felt myself slipping into the zone.  Not the super-pumped and focused zone, but the zoned out zone.  As I was starting to feel the need to slap myself awake, I couldn't help but think, "Mornings like this are why I need to start drinking coffee, even if it does taste nasty and sit in my gut like battery acid!"  Thank you, Lord for getting us to church and back home again safely without the use of a caffeine IV drip!

This mama is desperately in need of a nap...I wonder if I can get the kids to take one.

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